ISSN : 1300-2945
eISSN : 1308-9889
Abstract - Obstructive thrombosis of prosthetic mitral valve in a patient with coronary artery by-pass grafting
Hüseyin Ugur YAZICI, Adnan Burak AKÇAY, Celal YAVUZ, Zuhal Atılgan ARITÜRK, Ünal ÖZTÜRK

Diyarbakır Egitim ve Arastırma Hastanesi Kardiyoloji Bölümü,Diyarbakır Email:


We report a patient with coronary artery by-pass grafting who was admitted to our hospital due to acute occlusive thrombosis of prosthetic mitral valve. His INR level was subtherapeutic. The diagnosis was made with transthorasic echocardiography. Fibrinolytic therapy was given to him and a successful clinical result was obtained.

Key words: Thrombosis, prosthetic mitral valve, fi brinolytic therapy

Koroner arter by-pass greftli hastada tıkayıcı protez mitral kapak trombüsü


Bu yazıda akut tıkayıcı protez mitral kapak trombüsü nedeniyle hastanemize kabul edilen koroner arter by-pass greftli bir hasta sunulmustur. Hastanın INR degeri hedef degerlerin altında idi. Tanı tanstorasik ekokardiyografi (TTE) ile konuldu. Hastaya TTE kılavuzlugunda fi brinolitik tedavi verildi ve basarılı sonuç elde edildi.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Protez mitral kapak, trombüs, fi brinolitik tedavi

Dicle Med J  2009;36 (2):137-139

doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2009.02.

Volume 36, Number 2 (2009)